Ivf treatment

Casa Grande, AZ (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Ivf treatment

by Senia Perkins

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $13,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $13,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Casa Grande, AZ (US)

Senia Perkins is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Senia me and my husband been trying for a baby for year. We’re currently on medication to boost ovulation but that is seeming to not help. I struggle from Pcos and it makes it difficult for me to get pregnant but not impossible. If your able to help us out with anything that would greatly appreciated.